Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Work the other day. This tree fell over (and its still growing), and the roots had grown around the rocks.

Work today. This is the office cat wanting a little love. She thinks if she lays on my papers I'll pay attention to her. But I have a 5 year old, so I'm pretty good at spacing her off.

Oh yeah, and I miraculously healed my neck Thanksgiving evening. I went home from the family dinner in non-stop pain. So I took two muscle relaxers and two pain killers. I made myself a little sleepytime tea, and I listened to my meditation podcast. Why not try everything all at once, no? I woke up the next morning feeling about 95% better. Sitting here at work today though has made me regress. It is tension, or just my chair?

1 comment:

BABS said...

That is a cute cat.

Latest News from Jokenhagen:
Tadzio Müller, spokeperson for Climate Justice Action, arrested shortly after a press conference given from within the Bella Center.

Denmark getting funnier. You got out at the right time.