And just when I was feeling better...except for the lingering neck kinked - probably from a funcky cough posture. And this kink was not just a little bit 'o discomfort kink - it was a paralyzing crying on the floor kind of kink. The doctor set me up with some really hefty meds and I spend Tuesday and Wednesday in bed, sleeping, the entire time.
Now that the kill-me-now pain is gone (super praying that it is) I tried to work a bit yesterday, and then tried the chiropractor today. I'm never totally comfortable with the neck cracking thing, but I think it helped. If there was something stuck, I didn't want to wait until next week's physical therapy appointment. Set me straight so I can heal! And always make sure to cough facing forward.
Other than that, so far this season we've been fairly heathly. But, I've heard from the blogvine that the whole of DK has swine flu. I hope you're doing better Joy. Now when I get sick, I compare what its like to be sick here, vs if I was in DK. I'm not so sure they would have given me the good drugs.
So, I think the worms are still alive. Rich and Pete fed them and gave them a little more newspaper bedding the other day. My only job is to check the closet to see if they've tried to mass escape. I've heard they might do that, and its a creepy thought, to come home to a floor full or squirming red worms.
Chop up some food scraps.
Toss them on in. The worms come to the top at night to feed.
Stick them back in the closet. So far, there's no smell.
** That's Peter's arm proudly displaying the worms.
1 comment:
god bedring! i had a cold for almost a month and that was pretty annoying. hope it's not the same case for you. x:
and AWESOME worm farm! i've wanted one for a while but i think it would give my fiance the willies and we don't have much room in the apartment... say hello to the worms for me. ^^
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