So let's see. About 2 months ago a box of approximately 1000 red wriggler worms was delivered to our doorstep. We stuck them in a dark green plastic storage bin drilled with holes in the top and sides, and shredded newspaper (just the soybean print paper part, no glossy adds, no bleached paper).
Then we started adding our food scraps - about an oatmeal canister full of chopped up vegetable and fruit waste per week. No meats, no dairy. Eggshells yes. The box ended up in my hall closet, near the bath and bedrooms. This closet is above the furnace, so its a fairly warm place, and its also pretty quiet and vibration free. Oh yeah - this is also my linen closet. Its pretty remarkable how these things just don't smell.
Except for that one time.
While researching this worm thing in the past I read about one girl whose worms died in a soupy sloppy mess of their own making. I think its caused by a combination of too much food, not enough paper, and lots of moisture being produced from the respiring worms.
So, just to make sure this wasn't happening to us I had Rich dig down a little deeper than normal. Well, we had some *soup* on the bottom and MAN did it smell.
The remedy was to drill a few holes in the bottom of the bin as well. Since the paper forms a smell and slight moisture barrier, the excess water just can't evaporate fast enough. Plus if it was that dry in the box the worms would die. They need to stay a bit wet.
With the latest modification I think we have everything under control. And every time Rich digs around in there, there seems to be more of them. I think we may need to find a home for their kids. For sure we won't be releasing them into the wild. These little guys are actually non-native and are one of the problem species eating up too much of our forest litter.
The black dots on the side are worm poo. I think when they crawl to the surface of the paper at night to feed, they must also crawl up the side of the box. We always leave the cover on. Our guys will not be skeaking out at night.
That little pool of water in the corner was the producer of an extremely pungent and stinky smell once uncovered.
Wow, only 1 oatmeal canister a week? That doesn't sound like much! We empty prob. 4-5 times that a week I'd say. I also add some foodstuffs that have been cooked, ie leftover steamed veggies etc. And coffee grinds and tea bags. Sure does add up!
Well, we are almost up to two feedings a week now. The little buggers are procreating like crazy. I'm feeling out new potential "families" so I can split up the heard. No takers yet though.
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