Monday, November 2, 2009

On ignoring the neighbors

Ok, so I've noticed that ignoring the neighbors in the US will make them mad at you. Whereas the opposite is true in DK. There, NOT ignoring the neighbors will make them mad at you.

I'm so used to keeping my head down, don't look at that car passing by, and FOR SURE don't try to wave at them.

But now my neighbors are all irked at me. Then if I try to tell them why, they're all like - OHHHHH, Danmark again, blah blah blah.


Oh well, whach-ya gonna do.


BABS said...

Oh I miss 'real' neighbours.

LOL, it sounds like you've been scarred for life by the Denmark experience.

*pats hand* *wraps wooly blanket around Melissa's shoulders*

It's going to be alright, it's going to be alright.

Archaeogoddess said...

That happens to me when I travel. I forget that everywhere else in the world, you are expected to make contact and smile with people that you meet. I'm so used to head down, mustn't look. Does work well here in Qatar, though, since a woman making eye contact with a strange man is not exactly proper.