Yesterday - having run out of coffee at the house, and having to drive a good half hour to my first work site, I decided to go to my neighborhood coffee shop. Drive along, listen to a little NPR, have a little coffee. Yeah, dreamy.
Seriously, this is exactly what I dreamed about when living in DK. Funny how, when actually back in the States its taken me 3 moths to fulfill said dream.
I remember upon first arrival in DK, taking the hubby to work in the morning, and NOT being able to pull in anywhere for a cup of coffee. Not even the Mc-you-know-who-place. This was highly stressful and bizarre at first. Now the bizarre is reversed.
So - When's the last time I got a cup of coffee to-go from an actual store? I have no idea, must be going on two years at least. I walked in, remembered that I forgot my travel cup, tried to decipher the menu, then just ordered a small light roast...then questioned myself on the size thing - should I have said tall? Regular? Wait, where am I? I know the girl is thinking - Dork, you can't even order a coffee.
Damn it, why are there Euros mixed in with my money. Oops, there is a tip jar. Should I tip the pregnant barista for a regular cup? Crappy lids! I totally dripped all over my clean fleece.
Later I continued downhill. I needed to get some field supplies. It just so happened that the store had nice big movie-theatre boxes of Dots - for a dollar! Yeah, I told myself. I need those. And some hot and spice potato chips.
By the end of the afternoon, I felt just crazed. Angry, anxious, and unhappy. I was down on caffeine and up on corn syrup and whatever the hell was in that chip spice (I think it was corn syrup).
I've been so good about just not buying this crap. I will prevail (next time).
Friday, October 23, 2009
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One of the best things that happens every time I go back to California for a winter break (it'll be two years this Christmas since I've set foot on American soil) is the first morning after I arrive, I get up, my dad pops me in the car and drives me to Starbucks for an eggnog latte. (He usually takes the day off work because he has to get me at the airport at 2 am and he knows that while I can make myself coffee at home, I really crave those eggnog lattes.) (Have I mentioned that I'm a daddy's girl?)
What fun to be a tourist in your own homeland.
Oh eggnog! I've already seen gallons of eggnog stacked up in the grocery.
My gift to a Danish friend last winter was eggnog tea. Celestial Seasonings brand I think. It was slighly milky (I don't know how they did that) with a hint of nutmeg.
A few years ago, desperate for eggnog, I made some from scratch with all the rum and stuff. It was so good husband and I drank it all up and then staggered about completely drunk as skunks. That stuff can be very dangerous!
This last post (well Archaeo's comment really) has got everyone pining for eggnog.
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