The first night I fell asleep before the 24 minute Basic Meditation was even over. Last night I again fell asleep to the Basic Meditation, but was then awakened by my husband...grrrr. So then I switched over to the Falling Asleep meditation, and was again asleep before it was over. And when I say asleep - its the twitching and guttural snore/chokes of relaxation. This is not the kind of sleep I usually have, and I'm *loving* it (I hope McDonald's doesn't come after me for saying that).
The podcasts have the people talking in soothing voices, and they have you concentrate on your breathing...but they also have this background sound that is supposed to be good for both hemispheres of your brain, and at this point I have to agree that I think it works.
I downloaded these two podcasts (and a few more) for free at The Meditation Podcast.
And I did a quit knit this week for another girl birthday. This mom saw the sea princess necklace that I made for the last girl birthday, and said that she'd like something like that too for one of her daughters. I did a beach bag instead, and filled it with beach toys. I was in a rush so its not my best work, but I'm hoping it will suffice for a 4 yr old.
And once again I find myself thinking, "I have GOT to learn how to knit."
So the knitting..that's not because you want to get sleepy right?
Your reading "O Jerusalem" by Laurie R. King? No, you need to start at the beginning of the series. I have been reading that one for years! Ever since I worked at Waldenhell! Yep that long. Even went to a book signing with the brat and I think Ron or someone else to see Laurie King and get an autograph! How long ago was that! Its important to see how Homes and Russell meet up. Anywhooo...just my 2 cents :)
I'm liking O Jerusalem more than I thought I might. The picture of Holmes that I have in my head is of the latest BBC character - dark haired and skinny, could be really creepy given the right role.
Maybe when I get back to the states I can read the others. This one I have is just a left over.
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