Yesterday, I also picked up a couple of movies at the library - Again, shows that I wanted to watch with no worry about if the husband would be bored - and I was happily surprised with my first choice Friends With Money. What I remember from the trailer shown during commercials in the US was a comical show about people giving their poor friend (Rachael from Friends) their money, and I had no desire to see a show like that.
But the pickings are slim at the library here, and I was happy to get my hands on something I hadn't seen. And the movie turned out to actually be very good. The friends don't give her money, and its not a feel-good-funny plot, the casting was great, and I might even watch it again tonight.
The weather continues to be crappy, and so a week has passed by, but it kind of seems like one, long, gloomy day. I did manage to make a pot of black beans, which were eaten for no less than 5 meals between the two of us.
And last weekend I made a pot of chili. I prefer to make my chili with sauteed onion and celery, ground pork, and lots of chopped garlic. I've tried all brands of tomato sauce from every grocery, and they all have a funky flavor. So its øko diced tomatoes for us for everything. For this pot I also used canned red kidney beans. Mistake! They are just too sweet. Why are these and baked beans the preferred canned beans of this country? Must be the sugar. Along with the chili I made some eggfree cornbread. It was just the simple recipe from my Betty Crocker cookbook (this cookbook is essential, the recipes may not be fancy or worldly, but its got all the day to day information that you need). I substituted flax blended in water for the eggs, and topped the warm bread with butter and honey. Even the boy liked it (without the added sticky and sweet stuff of course - poor kid, if he would just try it he would like it).
I think I've been knitting a lot lately, but its hard to tell since I really don't have much to show for it. Sometime ago I mentioned that I was starting in on another attempt at a scarf with a pattern that felt right...well, I actually got to the end of that one and then decided to take it all apart. It reminded me of snake skin.
Now, with the same light colored yarn above I've started making a lace cowl. I've always been slightly frightened of lace patterns. They are usually a repeat of a number of rows (for this pattern its a 10 round repeat), and within each row its a somewhat complex sequence of stitches. Well, the stitches (and the act of knitting) are not complex, its just the paying attention part that can be hard. Since a friend of mine mentioned how much she likes this particular wool yarn I've been trying my hardest to make something nice out of it for her. This lace pattern makes a repeating heart shape, and she likes that's the plan.
There is another girl birthday coming up. I bought a small pretty pony toy thing, but the gift list specified homemade stuff. So I made these little power bands. Some people might call them wrist warmers - but I live with a boy, and to him these are what a girl super hero would wear. It was also my frist time adding beads while knitting.
LOL, i was thinking the exact same thing when i get to the bean aisle. baked beans are for hangover morning fry-ups, but otherwise i don't really go nuts for them... i've been soaking dry beans, which is much nicer and results in less gas. :P
and i agree, i like to cook for myself. but if my man doesn't dig it, then he can eat a sandwich. :P
I tend to be lazier when I'm only cooking for myself. I opt not to cook and whip something easy instead f.ex : instant noodles, or just ice cream in front of the TV.
Oh, I can be lazy. I ate pasta this past week at least 5 days in a row. And the most it got topped with was olive oil and garlic, or pre-made pesto.
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