Valentine's dinner was general northern European fare. Medister sausage in a brown gravy (Danish) served with knodel (German) and broccoli (is it *American* to always have some veggies on the side?). The reason behind this dinner was simply that my husband asked why I hadn't bought a medister in a while. So then feeling guilty that my old farm boy wasn't getting enough meat of late, I told him to go to the store and get himself a 2-foot long sausage, and I'd cook it for him.
After eating on it, it was déjà vu all over again...that medister tasted *ok* but what's that somewhat familiar yet still unidentifiable flavor that they put in there? And those knodel freak me out just a little every time I cook them. Plastic bags of freeze-dried ??, that become moist when boiled (in the bag). But, my husband loves the things so every once in a while...
Valentine gifts all around were plant related. I picked up some *mini greenhouses* for Rich. It just seeds in soil, in an itty bitty box, but that's all we have room for anyway. I got a daffodil bulb/plant (and some wine), and Peter got to pick out some cacti and make himself a desert. He wants a pet but we don't have room for that either.
I'm also starting my stockpile of carrot (and other) seeds. Every store has their own different selection, lots of different prices, so it will be interesting to see what produces and what doesn't.
Aren't those multi-colored carrots just beautiful? I'm a big fan of the long and skinny Danish radishes, and those really fresh, small white and red onions that come out in the springtime.
I gotta admit that that drawing is an unhappy one and seems to be talking about a feeling of persecution in a toxic environment.
Presumably it is something that would happen in børnehaven.
Our five year old stopped going too, he hated it. The pædagogs couldn't understand why because they said he was always fine when he was there. He came home and could clearly express what it was that bothered him. He said that he felt so alone there (this from the most popular kid there!!). When we said 'What about all the other kids there?* (meaning, well, don't they keep you company?) he replied: "They are also feeling lonely, we are all lonely kids waiting for our families."
From the mouths of babes.
The peds told me the same. He's doing great; he had a great day. But at home I'd hear a little of this and a little of that...the kids take my marker from me when I'm drawing, they say I'm too young to play with them, too boring.
Funny thing is - twice I've heard that he is very creative, and that he can really have some interesting *adult* conversations. I heard this from our *best* ped at the first bornhave, and this last one. They said it like they never ran into a kid like that before.
I want to tell them - hey, just interact with the kids and they might surprise you like this as well. Show some interest and they get motivated.
I think the IDEA of *free* play has its place, it just shouldn't move into the ignoring category.
awww! that drawing is a weight on the heart. it's good that he's telling you what's up though. hope things change for the best.
hehe, i get the meat guilt trip once in a while as well. though i'm fine without it for weeks, my fiance has his needs. maybe the side of veg isn't a typical american thing but it sure ain't danish!
oh! i've been wanting to buy some seeds too (partly inspired by the lentil sprouts) but i have no idea how to begin and of course we live in an already-crowded apartment... i am just sick of paying the exorbitant price of organic tomatoes! :P
good luck to your vegetables!
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