My dad said it was probably the soil/climate they came from. The US carrots (although organic) were likely grown in hot and dry soil - whereas DK carrots come from - yep - DK, where the soil is cool and moist. And just in case the difference has something to do with their specific variety - I'll be smuggling vegetable seeds back to the US with me.
The reason behind making carrot soup was that I had just bought a new 2 kilo bag, and I needed to use up the rest of the old bag - about 1/4 kilo of carrots. It was probably their orange color that reminded me of Joanna's Red Lentil Soup. So I basically made the lentil soup - except I substituted the carrot for the lentils. The soup was served over baked white fish, and with a sprinkle of parsley.
My husband LOVED it, and said that if he were served this in a restaurant he would be very satisfied. That's a lot coming from him.
3 key ingredients:
1. Garam masala - At first I forgot to add this. After it was added the flavors were mouth watering.
2. Lemon - I added this last. It made the soup go from yummy, to tickle your tongue yummy.
3. Parsley - Just added one more level.
I think this would even make a nice cold or just barely warm summer soup (since it contains coconut milk). Incidentally, I was a bit worried yesterday about making another dish that required a whole can of *bad* coconut milk. So I did a little surfing and found out its GOOD for you (as long as you don't buy light or bad quality).
Tonight the plan is to served the extra soup over pasta. Maybe with a sprinkle of bacon, and a side of broccoli.
My recent thrift store find - 8 Bavarian fish plates. In a 70's style of brown; but I seem to go for that sort of thing. Like old macrame - I just love that stuff.
Thanks for the inspiration...I have about 5 kg of carrots hanging around the fridge and no idea of what to do with them (other than juice).
And I like those kitschy plates, too. :)
You're welcome. It was nice to have a successful dish, especially after the previous night when I tried duck legs and a rice casserole thing. It was so bad, just thinking about it makes me kinda shiver.
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