We've pretty much stayed put this week. Peter is taking it easy (as much as a 5 year old can) so that his arm/shoulder can heal. Lots of TV, puzzles, and games. No drawing - he busted the arm he normally uses for that. Maybe today I'll try to get a shirt on him so that we can at least go out for a walk.
And I've been sick the last few days; which has rapidly depleted my stash of NyQuil, and made me break out a box of Kleenex (Kleenex and paper towels are only used in the specialist of circumstances here). Yesterday I mustered up the energy to make myself some chicken and dumplings. This is something I make maybe once a year, and so each year I seem to repeat the same mistakes.
1) I didn't want to overdo the amount of broth, but in the end I would have liked to have more *soup*. The dumplings sucked up a pretty good amount of my liquid really.
2) And I always add the carrots and celery too soon, so they get pretty soft. I need to cook the chicken by itself for a bit before adding the veggies. But for some reason I always forget this.
Even so, it was pretty good, and it satisfied my sick frame of mind that tells me to eat chicken soup of some sort.

And I'm totally in LOVE with my MP3 player. While Peter watches a movie, I'll listen to a podcast and knit. Favorite shows lately are In The Loop and Yarncraft. The NPR Podcast Directory has ALL their shows just waiting for me to download them - its like I've discovered a whole new library.
This is my latest knit. It will also be given as a gift.
Have you tried knitting podcasts from the Australian dude? He's an astrophysicist with 2 cats who knits. Del, one of the library guys here at the Bio-Med, says his wife listens to him all the time.
Wow, it looks like a very popular show, so I downloaded the lastest podcast. I'll let you know what I think.
Thanks Aho.
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