I have to say, other than the front desk lady who never actually faced the entrance (she was too busy chatting with the other two front desk people who I guess could not help us - only the woman ignoring us was supposed to help us), anyway, overall the experience was fine.
We got in quickly, the doctor showed up and seemed to know pretty much right away that something was broken. We were sent to x-ray, pretty easy to see the break, so they bandaged him up, and then sent us on our way.
I would have liked some better pain killer so that he stays in one position while sleeping (but they don't do that here), and I would like to have a better bandage than the one we got (its just a stretchy strap that keeps coming loose). We have been told to go to our regular doctor in two days to get re-tied, so during that visit I think I'll dangle our private insurance caveat in front of her and see what I can get (maybe a special doctor with nicer bandages).
I'm happy I made the decision to bring him in. In the US, I didn't hesitate to call the nurse to discuss his symptoms. But here, its like you really have to prove you're worthy; that something is really wrong. And so I was hesitant to bring him in somewhere - if it was just a pulled muscle or something.
This was my conversation with our regular doctor back in September:
Me - Hi, I need my son's epipen prescription refilled.
Doctor - Why does he have an epipen?
Me - Food allergies. Eggs, chicken, and nuts.
Doctor - Has he ever had a severe reaction requiring you to use this shot?
Me - No, but our allergist said it could happen and we should be prepared.
Doctor - Well, its just ridiculous for you to have this with you all the time, being nervous that you might have to use it. Its not necessary.
Me - (dead silence) I will not respond to that statement.
Ho Hum - On to better things...
I requested that Rich make egg rolls this weekend. They turned out fine, but even better were the cream cheese wantons he made with the left over wrappers (he put spicy stuff in them). He made them a bit thin the first time around and they exploded in the oil, but after a re-fold they turned out great.
And, I finished up my knit gift for a friend's daughter. She (the now 6 yr old daughter) requested a pink stretchy market bag a few months back but I didn't feel like making another one. I modified a pattern on the internet, and then embellished it a bit. Then to go with it, I got a cute little butterfly coin purse, and a seashell/braided belt from the Africa store. We'll see if she likes the grouping or not.
Yumm egg rolls. I'm hopeless when it comes to cooking yet I pretend like I am not LOL
Now my question is where in DK do you live? I might plan a stalker's special visit to go raid the content of your kitchen / or whatever served on your dining room *insert evil laugh here* LOL
My husband does the egg rolls and other multi-step specialty things. I only do the daily cooking. But lately I've been lacking inspiration. A new season needs to come along so I can get some new stuff at the grocery.
We live near Odense. Making the egg rolls took a trip to the Bazaar, the Chinese grocery, and Netto. Amazing, no? Luckily it was Sat, and the shops were all open.
I know you want to do all you can while in the DK, but could you have not skipped the emergency room? Now all you need to complete your stay is a visit to a tulip farm and seeing a member of the Danish royal family. Or have you done these already?
Hope the little dude is feeling better.
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