I've been putting off blogging lately in lieu of romance novels and ice cream once the boy is in bed. I've just been so tired and stressed out with getting Peter ready to start school, re-moving into my home, and misc projects (like more edamame harvesting & freezing). All of these things alone are fine and fun, but put them all on me at the same time and I'm a mess.
Well, after sending my son off on the bus this morning for his first day of kindergarten, and before I started back to my old job as an environmental consultant (first day for me too), I pulled some pictures off the camera.
Last Friday was the day we visited the MN State Fair. It used to be one of the top 5 fairs in the nation - size wise. I have no idea if it still is, but its quite huge and well attended. Hands down my favorite *thing* to visit is the crop art in the Horticulture building. There is always some tribute to someone just deceased (this year Farah Faucet), or to a notable figure (this year Obama of course).
But this is also always the one spot in the fair where you can really get a glimpse into political feelings. In the past is was Cheney, Al Franken. This year it was MN Representative Michelle Bachman. I think Michelle might best be known for her outward declaration that much of congress is/was anti-American. Then there was that big old schmoocharoo that she gave G.W. Bush. Yikes lady! And now the most recent acclimation that she will not fill out the 2010 census because its some communist plot thing (or something like that).
***Big disclaimer here - I'm sure I'm a bit wrong on my Bachman details, but the gist is the same, she's A LOT out there, and unfortunately she is from MN.
My 2009 State Fair pics here.
So tonight I tried something new. Beans in the pressure cooker.
I'd been wanting to buy a pressure cooker for a while, and I finally did this year since I was planning on canning tomatoes - the one I got is a pressure cooker & canner. So in DK I could cook chick peas for a good 2-3 hours AFTER an overnight soak. Today I soaked the beans from about 11 am to 8 pm. Then I pressure cooked them for 10 minutes (8 minutes would have probably been enough). Then I made some hummus out of them. Simply amazing.
It's years since I've seen one of those!
God the state fair reminds me of home! Bean pictures! My parents are out your way, wandering around MN with my sister, who's going to school at UMN, and going to a family reunion. My mind is full of idyllic images of hot summer nights with ice cream and dogs barking and the scream of the teenage girls on the Zipper (that ride at the fair, the one that makes me sick just thinking about it).
And it's almost apple picking time!!
Okay, I think I've just gotten homesick. Nuts.
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