I was able to eat my dinner, and have my coffee, but I didn’t quite make it to the midnight meal (which incidentally was scrambled eggs and bacon – the Kro was told that asparagus soup was not an option for our group)…because…
Two Friday’s ago I bruised the bottom of my foot while coming out of the water slide chute. I was trying to not go under, because Peter doesn’t like to go under. However, in this instance I wish I could just go back in time, and have us both under water for a few seconds.
For the first week I basically just ignored the pain, started walking on the side of my foot (on our hard wood floors) – you know, toughing it out. Is anyone surprised that it isn’t getting better? I’m so stupid sometimes. So Saturday I went out and bought a new pair of tennis shoes, and a gel heel insert. I’ve been downing ibuprofen and acetaminophen, and I’ve started icing it throughout the day.
As I related my story of pain to a Danish friend last week, she said I should call the doctor. I said – Maybe I will, but I just don’t want to. She thought I didn’t want to call due to my limited Danish skills. But really, I don’t want to go in, tell them my problem, and then have them say – Well what do you want me to do about it? Another expat used the word “primitive” to describe the Danish medical system, and that about sums it up.
I also didn’t feel much like cooking this week. But I did convince my husband to make me a high roast chicken via this method on Friday night. My photo isn’t so great. I was tired and extremely hungry, and I just wanted to dive right in. Soooooooo yummy.
I really do feel for you regarding the pain.
I have been in exruciating pain for over a month now, downing the horrid opiate painkillers I was prescribed, and I now have an appointment to go an see a doctor.
I don't quite know how it will go.
Me: "It's about the agony I have been in for the last month or so, and the last three years of painful symptoms I've been getting."
Doc: "Mmm, yes...and?"
Me: "It's also about these painkillers, they make me really ill and I read on the internet they were habit forming...."
Doc: "Mmm, yes...and?"
Me: "Well, thanks for sending me to all those 'specialists' over the years, but you see, we are still nowhere near knowing what is causing all this pain...
Doc: "Mmm, yes....and?"
Me: "And I can't just keep swallowing opiates and hobbling about like an old lady and grimacing when my kids hug me can I?"
Doc: "Mmm, yes...and?"
Me: "You can't help me can you?"
Doc: "Mmm, yes...and?"
The last good conversation I had with a doctor here was with an American one. i think she has left the country...or maybe I dreamed her. What does it take to get some sort of proper advice from a doc here?
Good Luck with yours, they will probably tell you it's all in your mind and that you need to take two paracetemol.
I think you have identified the worst thing - not knowing what is wrong.
My pain is obviously not *that bad* but if I knew exactly what was wrong, and if knew that I was doing the right thing, then I'd be ok.
But instead I have to constantly question myself and every step I take. A little medical advice and reassurance can go a long way. If my mind is going bonkers, it's hard for my body to heal.
In the US people becomes doctors because they 1. want to help, or 2. want a pig paycheck. Doctors here don't bring home the money, and they are lacking on the empathy thing - so why are these people doctors????
and these silly doctors don't want to hire me as a technician! i could help... (;
sorry to hear about your foot, though. hope it heals swiftly!
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