Peter and I went out for a walk today in a partially undeveloped/un-farmed area near our house. Its rained a bit the last few days, and the depressions have water in them. There is nothing I'd like more right now that to put on some knee high rubber boots and trudge out there to see what's going on. But - I didn't bring my waterproof boots, and its private property. The wetland plants here are similar and yet different than the ones in the U.S. I wish I had someone to be my field guide for just one sunny day.

Also near our house the logging continues. Denmark has quite a lot of forested areas really, and so I'm holding out and giving everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are good managers of this sort of thing.
But my biggest job this week is going to be to finish a knitted gift for another little girl. I originally envisioned a sea princess crown, with a shell pattern border. Very delicate and lacy. But that kind of thing doesn't stretch, so I wasn't sure that a good fit could be had. After a few other failed ideas I think I've finally settled on a mermaid necklace. The idea is seaweed, mingled with fisherman's net, lots of beads, some shells, and some bling-bling embellishments. I'm working on the fisherman's net part now. I've basically taken my thinnest yarn, split it in half, and am knitting on my smallest size needles. Its going to be a bit abstract and not pink - so I hope it goes over ok.
1 comment:
I read 'A Single Shard' by Linda Sue Park when i lived in Honduras and liked it. I even saw her on Jeopardy! with just the regular people (as in not the dumb down Celebrity version). She did not win.
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