Friday, February 20, 2009

Plugged In

Remember that book you had to read in high school. I don't recall the name, but basically the wife always had on (what we would now call) an ear bud. While the husband was busy reading his banned books (physical books in that time were banned).

Well, that's what our house is like these days. Early on in the week I download a bunch of podcasts. And then every chance I get I plug myself in. I think its because I'm never alone during the day - I always have a 5 year old talking to me, yanking on my arm, yelling at me in the background. Plus he's going through this impatient phase - nothing is immediate enough for head just spins. So when the husband comes home I just want to crawl into my corner and pretend like I'm just another quiet visitor to an adult conversation at a cozy coffee shop.

To keep track of these things, I've started adding (and deleting) podcasts links on my blog sidebar. Some I'm just trying out and their link will likely disappear after a bit. Some I'm hooked on - like Sticks and Strings.

Until a friend of mine suggested I listen to this *Australian bloke who likes to knit, but is also an astrophysicist*...I never knew regular people were trying their hand out at podcasting. While some are great (good essays, nice music, and actual information), others are just girls like chatting like about totally everything, and like their friend might come over, and she like likes to knit too. I'm - like - not into those. And of course, NPR shows like Good Food or In The Loop never fail.

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